Saturday, April 01, 2006



''If It's All About LOVE,
Why Do We SUFFER?''

---The ''HIGHEST'' or Best communication is the communication of LOVE. It is the best of you. It can translate into ACCEPTANCE for you. It is the best one can do. But this still leaves much open to interpretation.
---Understand This and You Are Understanding Much.
  • We are attached to things that help us to SAVE FACE.
  • We are worried about ''Looking Good,'' instead of ''BEING LOVING'' and ''Honest.''
---Understand this ''Bottom - Line'' truth, and you understand a lot. LOVE is a FACT. LOVE as a FACT, does NOT necessarily depend on the feeling you feel.
---We have many different ways that we ''think'' LOVE is. Through my own interpretation, I see LOVE is one where you, yourself, becomes an ''environment'' of self-expression for the ''other,'' person. ACCEPTANCE. He or she is free to express himself until he ''sees'' himself behind the different ''masks'' that he or she wears, being sure NO one is hurt in the process. He or she will see the LOVE that is there, as that is truly the ''fabric'' that makes us up.
  • We ALL Love One Another, We're Just Working On The Details.
---That is why when I say ''We ALL LOVE one another, we're just working out the details,'' is a true statement. It also happens to be my personal philosophy. ''The Kingdom IS Within'' and ''The Kingdom is LOVE.'' LOVE is the very core or source of who we are. LOVE is the very God that we seek. It is what we seek in ALL we do, BAR NOTHING. It may not seem it or even look like it, but this is what we do, ALL THE TIME.
  • We Suffer When We Hold On To Our False Sense of Self.
  • We Must Let Go and Grow
---One may ask, if this is so, then why ALL the SUFFERING? We SUFFER to the extent to which we are attached. If we find ourselves attached to our ''false''-self, our egoes, personalities, etc. [which, by the way is what we are], then a ''process'' of becoming ''detached'' from our ''false'' -selves must take place. We will find ourselves SUFFERING to the degree that we HOLD ON to our false sense of self. We experience the ''conflict'' that we are feeling as we are trying to HOLD on and LET-GO, at the same time. People SUFFER as they HOLD ON to their false sense of self. They try to LET-GO but it becomes difficult to do this if you are NOT SURE of the results. By this I mean, many people are really not sure they should LET-GO of what they are HOLDING ON to. They are not sure they are doing the ''right thing.'' They are not sure there is going to be anything in there if they LET-GO. It becomes a matter of FAITH, and a ''Process'' to get to know your ''Real-Self.''
  • Why are innocent children involved
  • Holding on to what we don't need - causes problems
---We may ask why are ''innocent'' children a part of this? In the Grand Scheme of Things, and through a Reincarnation, if you will, children do have their ''things,'' to, also, go through. We slough or ''boil'' off this false idea of who we are and and what we think LOVE is supposed to be. We become more of our True Selves, which is LOVE.
---Our perspective is very important. If we see the situation as LOVE, then things we DON'T need, just fall away. There is a problem when we try to HOLD ON, while things we don't need, fall away. We try to HOLD ON to things that time is telling us to give up and let go. In psychological terms, we are giving up personality defense mechanisms that we don't need anymore. It is really FEAR that holds this falseness, in place.
---The letting go is accomplished through LOVE, or we can see it as Suffering, depending on our ''perspective.'' If we truly LOVE, then the falseness just falls away. If we HOLD on to our FALSENESS, then it is seemingly ''Ripped'' away, and a SUFFERING prevales. As we learn to ''let-go,'' [become more OBJECTIVE], this ''SUFFERING'' becomes less and less. Be Well.
''We SUFFER When We Are Holding On, Instead Of Letting-Go.''

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