Monday, March 27, 2006

HEALTHY -- ''Big Picture''

The ''PSYCHOSOMATIC'' Component

---I believe that thought and what we ''think,'' is at the core of a lot we find wrong with ourselves. It isn't like the hypochondriac who reads his own symptoms and decides that he has ''this'' or ''that.'' It goes to the next level where ''thinking'' negative thoughts doesn't help the illness one bit.
---Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ''We are what we think all day long.'' If we keep so much negative energy coming into the system, it can't be good. The reason I say this is that the system responds positively to positive stimulus. Keep it a positive experience. Negativity goes ''against the grain.''
---If we have an attitude of ''goodwill'' for ALL. If we want the ''best'' for everyone, if we are concerned with making a positive mark on our neighbor and the world, we are also making a positive mark on ourselves. This is the repercussions of doing ''good-type works'' and having ''good thoughts.'' You find that you stay positive, and find ''yourself'' unfolding.
---We die daily this way. Eventually, we see the ''Big PIcture.'' We see that being positive really is the way to be. You ''feel'' better and ''are'' better. When you have a ''fun'' outlook, you ''are'' happier. To a trained professional, the simplicity of what I say may sound like ''wishful'' thinking, but the latest liturature bears this out. Look at the havoc that ''stress'' wreaks.
---When we have a ''Big Picture'' that is Healthy, Non-judgmental and Positive, we are, for all-intents-and-purposes, ready for just about anything. We enjoy waking up in the morning. We are all set to begin the day. We even look forward to the challenges that Life has in store for us. We don't have to seek them out, they will find us if we have some business to do, today.
---Enjoy the day the ''best'' you can. Use your head and common sense. It really doesn't make sense not to. Be sure someone else has a good day, too. Don't be petty. Open up. Show the world it is ALL good. DO the ''best'' you can. Be Well.
It's a, ''Great Big World.'' Thanks, Bobby D.

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